Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Chase For 500 Training Log 3/19-3/21

Continuing from my last post the workouts will be marked days 4-6 before reverting back to day 1. There is a method to my madness that I barely understand my self, but stay with me here.

Minutes before my Day 4 workout I got a delivery containing Musclepharm's Assault. It's a new formula that so far I'm liking A LOT however that doesn't surprise me considering I've never had a MP product I didn't like. The delivery came in handy because the past few workouts I was using whatever samples I had left and a trial size tub of Presurge. Thank you amazon.

Day 4- Deadlift Variant/Cleans/Biceps
As always Limber 11 was used before my workout along with some extra foam rolling for my back. From there I went to Stiff-Legged Deadlifts from a 2.5" deficit. I was originally going to go with heavy rack pulls but I wanted to help save my back for Fridays front squats, which is an exercise I've just recently gotten back into. The deads were done at a deficit because I tend to be weak off the floor with my pulls and you can never have big enough hamstrings. Afterwards my training was pretty simple, including a 4x8 of clean pulls to help with explosiveness/traps, a 4xAMRAP of widegrip/closegrip pullups (alternating) then a 3x12 of DB rows with the last set focusing on 4second negatives. Biceps were quick and easy (I consider them the most boring bodypart to workout, sorry "bros") and consisted of a superset between 3x8 DB Curls and 3x12 rope preacher curls. DB Curls were light with a focus on the contraction and I used the rope for the sole purpose of not wanting to scour the gym in search of the proper bar.

Day 5- OVHD Press/Chest/Tri's
One thing I've noticed about my lifts is my shoulders are weak as shit. Purely abysmal. Ok, they're not THAT bad but for someone with a deadlift creeping on 500 my overhead should be much higher than what it is. That's why in the second cycle for push shoulders are my primary focus. I started out the lift with a 5x8 of Strict OVHD Press (not half reps, bar to chest) with 60% 1RM. I may have been able to go a little bit heavier but we'll save that for next week. Followed up that with a 4x5 of Push Press and an isolation superset combo (Lateral Raises, Front Raises and Facepulls) that's way too confusing to write, but it got a good burn going. Went to chest from here and since my shoulders were pretty shot I kept it simple with 1-Arm DB Bench Press 4x8.10.12.12 to really help strengthen my core. After I went with 3x10 of Rev DB Press supersetted with 3x15 Pec Dec. Triceps were pretty simple, 4sets of max dips, breaking parallel with the elbows of course, which sort of suck because I have to do dips while balancing on two barbells so stability is a major factor. Supersetted DB OVHD Ext for 3x8 with Rope Pulldowns 3x15 and called it a day after that.
I usually don't do that many supersets but as long as I can go heavy with my compounds I'm not too concerned with my accessory stuff (for push day at least).

Day 6- Squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuats
Last week I tested a heavy single for front squats, a lift I haven't been doing nearly enough of since last summer, and my form felt all out of whack. I was able to match my old max but my knees didn't like it. So this week I went light to work on technique and hit 3x5@185lbs, 1x3@195lbs and 1x2@205lbs. Again, these numbers should be higher but I'm working on it. To make up for the front squats I punished myself with a 4x5 of back squats @225lbs after. This may sound simple but the purpose was to go as deep as possible with a 3second hold at the bottom. They sucked. Hamstring work was simple today due to the amount I've already done this week, so 1-Legged Curls 2x15 w/ no rest was all I did. Finished workout with superset of 3x8 standing calf raise and 3x10 standing cable ab crunch.

Tomorrow's an off day but the next cycle looks like it'll kick my ass.
Day 1- Deadlifts 6x4@82%/Back/Bi's
Day 2- Chest/Should/Tri's
Day 3- Back Squat 6x4@82%/Legs

May the odds forever be in your favor.

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