Monday, March 17, 2014

The Chase For 500 Training Log 3/15-3/17

So I've recently decided that instead of recording my workouts in journals that get lost on a bi-weekly basis I'd take my talents to South Beach and keep a log going online. Now this is not me bragging about weights, trust me nothing I'm lifting hasn't been lifted before for more reps, I also want to give people an insight into how I personally train. Also, I do not care if you do not care about what or how I lift, nobody's forcing you to read this.

Right now my goals are a 500lb deadlift (hence post title) and 400lb squat. I'm at 460/365 respectively for both lifts weighing in at 162-164. Having a 6 pack for summer is not in my plans.

With that being said let me give a lil info on how my program is set up. Right now I'm going into a strength phase with a 3 days on- 1 day off split. These days are split pretty basic: Day 1- Deadlift/Biceps Day 2- Push Day 3- Squat/Legs then repeat with different exercises. Due to the high amount of volume my workouts themselves are pretty straight forward, no super cool ubersets or techniques. It's just lifting. I've been running this type of workout for a little over a month now and the results I'm seeing are ridiculous. I'm always open to critique/new ideas but honestly right now I've hit a stride that I'm not exactly looking to break. Let's begin:

Day 1 - Deadlift/Back/Biceps
Started with the Lumber 11 for mobility work for the first time and it was incredible. Hit a 5x5 of deadlifts @ 380lbs (80%1RM). Belted up and threw the straps on for this but they felt real good. I'm convinced that as long as I can pull it to my knees I can lock it out, my hips are ridiculously strong. I've been doing a ton of hamstring/technique work too so my deads are really coming a long way. Followed with Kroc Rows 4x12, Lat Front Pulldown 3x15 then Farmer's Carry (w/ DB's) for 4 sets max distance. My bicep work is never anything special, went with band curls for 3x12, BB Curls 3x8 then a dropset of rope curls 3xAMRAP.

Day 2 - Chest/Shoulders/Tri's
I don't train chest with low reps (used to and never really got much besides sore wrists). Had to go without preworkout for this one, also there was a family party going on so it was rushed.
Bench Press 5x8 with 1sec hold at bottom, Close Grip Bench 3x10 supersetted with Cable Crossovers 3x15, DB Shoulder Press 4x12.10.8.10, Z-Press 4x10 (RIP Core), Lateral raises 3x15, Skullcrushers 4x8-10 supersetted with 1-arm OVHD Ext 4x12. I wanted to do dips but like I said time wasn't exactly in my favor so I'll do them next time.

Day 3 - Squat/Legs
Leg day leg day leg day leg day. Ask anyone I've lifted with and they'll complain about my love for legs. Being 5'7" squatting just comes natural for me, and again my hips are strong so as long as I can get out of the hole I can finish the rep. Started with Limber 11. Had to go without a spotter for this (my gym consists of a ton of old people/people that I wouldn't trust spotting me) but I was still able to get a 5x5@ 290lbs. One thing I love about squatting is all the "big" guys in my gym that skip legs always look at me in disgust. Nerds. After the squats I did a 3x8 of Goodmornings, 4x8.8.10.12 of barbell hip thrusts and a superset of calf raises 3x12/planks max hold. Finished with 5x2 of 200m sprints w/ walking in between.

If you're wondering why I didn't include weights for my assistance exercises it's because there's no real need for me to monitor/progress on them. My training setup is more of a template than anything else which involves me switching up my exercises, excluding the first of every workout, on a workout-workout basis. I may have done Kroc Rows after bench this week, but maybe it'll be Pendlay Rows next time. As long as I'm going heavy and getting a quality workout in that's all that matters.

I figure I'll post updates every block (3 days). After tomorrow's off day my next workout setup will be:
Day 4 - Deadlift Variation/Cleans Day 5 - OVHD Press/Push Day 6 - Front Squat/Legs.

As always any questions/comments/etc feel free to let me know.